Kitchen Sink

There’s no place like work

What’s not to love about an eraser that can stand easily on six different sides? What about a mouse pad that sees duty only as an iPod throne? Or a stack of recycled Post-It notes, tastefully arranged in a spiral pattern on your desk? Or a well used cardboard box top that serves double duty as a used paperclip receptacle AND a target for flinging paperclips across the office. What about that…
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Kitchen Sink

One more problem for modern man

Today I am faced with a dilemma that has troubled men and women folk alike, and for as long as man and woman kind have processed wood pulp to replace those stone tablets. I’m having trouble turning pages with my dry hands. The first, and simplest solution, would be to simply lick my fingers. Do I have to remind you about the bacteria levels in your average office? I know where my fingers…
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Kitchen Sink

Abandoned by good sense

Me and good sense haven’t been on speaking terms since the whole diet thing started; and it’s too bad to, because I really could have used her advice last night. It was six o’clock and I was preparing for a hair appointment that I was about to be late for. I was rooting through the pantry looking for something both quick and nutritional to snack on in the car. It’s too bad…
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Kitchen Sink

A pretty good fit

The weather matches my state of mind precisely; fog. Looks like I picked a heck of a day to start riding my bike to work again. The important thing is that I got here in one piece. The gimpy ankle stood up to the test, but then there’s not much lateral movement on a bike (not if you do it right anyway). Now if I could just piece together a few coherent thoughts I’ll be just peachy. Do…
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Kitchen Sink

Finding tidings from home in all the wrong places

There are times (thankfully not very often) when I’m sitting in my office and I have this overwhelming feeling that I’m in the wrong place. Usually the right place is someplace at home, preferably in a more horizontal position. These times have come a little more often since my little boy was born. This is when I’m glad I have a web site and internet access at work. It’s…
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Kitchen Sink

Embracing bureaucracy

The dream of a paperless office died about two hours and thirty-three minutes after our “paperless” case management system came online more than ten years ago. Since then our capacity to do lots of work has gone way up, but it has resulted in a flood of paper; with nary a reduction in sight. It is with this in mind that I have proposed a new measurement standard for work. Counting the…
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Kitchen Sink

The perils of trying new things

I’ve read recently that tea is good stuff. Yes, I’ve been reading that book on nutrition again. No, I’m not going to try and explain what the value of tea is, you’re just going to have to take it on faith. So anyway, I tried mixing up a batch for work today, but I noticed something a mite disturbing. If you shake up a batch of tea in a bottle of water, it looks suspiciously…
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Kitchen Sink

And now a word from retail hell,

Like millions of gifting challenged Americans this holiday season, I bought someone a retail gift card. I was visiting one of our representatives from the national chains the other day, standing in line with my card. When it was my turn I shrugged off the slightly out of breath, saccharin holiday greeting from the store clerk, and handed over my gift card. She asked me how much I wanted to put on…
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