Sometimes, having a window office is not all it’s cracked up to be. First, there’s the productivity problem. For those of us who are easily distracted, a window to the great outdoors can be disasterous. Then there’s the good old green house effect. You give me a window facing the sun and I’ll give you a hot office. Finally, there’s a sense of loss when you have a…
Every now and again I am tempted to loaf at work. Loafing is an official department term, defined in the code of conduct as: spending time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about. How can I help my mind wandering now and again? No one is perfect, not even the famous Revenue Specialist III of the Clearwater
Court Team (sure, it doesn’t have quite the punch of “Archbishop of…
It is at once odd and nice, having someone preen on your behalf. Sitting in my capacity as “the administrative hearings guy”, I had to sit through one compliment after another from the Administrative Law Judge. As my astute readers have probably surmised, he’s the guy that presides over the administrative hearings. As it turns out, he does them statewide, driving from location to…
Lying is bad. It is deceitful, it can catch up with you, and it is just plain not nice. Having said that, there is a certain amount of pleasure in fibbing for sport. There is a little game we engage in at the office. Someone uncorks a whopper and someone else is supposed to call them on it. The sport is in trying to come up with the most outrageous lie without being called on it.
“No, I…
Driving a car on the road is a little too impersonal. We know, in theory, that there are people in the other cars, but it is a little too abstract for our own good. We drive around in shells of our personality. The model, general upkeep, and decoration all speak to how we view ourselves. Yet to others on the road it is still just another car; little more than an obstacle between us and where we…
Quirky is a word that describes one of my sisters friends from high school. Come to think of it, quirky describes most of her friends from high school. It’s difficult to see your little sisters as serious people, let alone their friends.
So I was on the death watch at my allergist when one of her friends came in with his daughter. Imagine my surprise, seeing this young turk from my past…
One of my last entries has prompted a small discussion about inherited genes. Maybe discussion is the wrong word… that is, if you can call two email messages a discussion (one for each participant). This led to my own musing. (When was the last time you used “muse” as a verb?) I feel that I provide an important service to my readers: pointing out the obvious. In that light…
No one has asked me where I get the entry titles from. This would be a surprise, but for the fact that this could be the least viewed page of all the internet. Hey, someone has to come in last. So where do they come from? I’m glad I asked. The are the first thing that comes to mind. Wether or not they have anything to do with the entry is of little consequence. Consider it a kind of…