I still have the capacity to be surprised. I tend to take a lot for granted, so my continuing capacity to be surprised… is… well… a surprise. This dual layer of surprise struck me last night, at the Dunedin Rec Family Night.
I was skeptical when Beth approached her camp leader to ask for an extra treat, for something that she could give to her brother. I didn’t say anything…
I was reading an article about blogs in an online magazine the other night. The article referenced a Pew survey of bloggers, which ultimately suggested that one million bloggers claim to have been referenced in traditional media.
I just want you all to know that we here at “Being Myself” hold no such delusions of grandeur. I feel a rush of euphoria if my blog gets referenced in one of…
Just a couple of pics from my phone/at work… to see how/if this works:
#flickr_badge_source_txt {padding:0; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, Sans serif; color:#666666;}
#flickr_badge_icon {display:block !important; margin:0 !important; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;}
#flickr_icon_td {padding:0 5px 0 0 !important;}
.flickr_badge_image {text-align:center…
I took a career and life planning course while I was in college. One of my least favorite exercises was the “long range plan.” It turns out this exercise ranks as THE most useless project of my college career. Your friendly neighborhood meteorologist has a considerably better chance of predicting the weather 10 years out, than your average naive (and lets face it, pretty stupid) 19…
In the beginning there were local sports, and they were occasionally good. Home teams present and past; Bucs, Pats, Bruins, and Bosox held occasional sway with my attention. Home teams past were particularly prominent as there was but one home team present; as were the high scoring affairs: namely football, owing to my impatient nature.
Ah, but things change: home team became home teams, and…
There is little I find relaxing about a summer vacation in Florida. What about Central Florida theme parks? Here’s a theme for you: dehydration, heat exhaustion, and sun stroke.
So here are my first three responses to the proposed weekend trip to Orlando that just passed:
1. “No.”
2. “Please don’t make me go.”
3. “Ah… um… (Sigh)……
After yesterday afternoon’s pilot episode of “Beth gets shot” I was expecting to have an epic tale of medical adventure to tell. Alas dear reader, all went well. On the ride over I broke the news… she was starting allergy shots. As expected, it went over like a helium filled cement truck (it might be a little lighter on its feet but it still don’t fly). I nipped the…