There are a couple of important things you need to know about a candleholder I hung on the wall for Cheryl.
1. It is made of glass, but is quite solid.
2. It is boxy, and sticks out from the wall.
3. It has edges – not exactly sharp – but kind of like the pointy edge of a cube.
4. It is hung near the corner two joining walls that stick out into our room, on a path frequently traveled…
Earlier this evening I was having a splendid chat with myself…
“John, my good fellow, I do say you’re having quite the evening.”
“Mighty good of you to notice old chap.”
“If you don’t mind my saying, you’re doing a superb job.”
“Why thank you. As it happens, I don’t mind at all John.”
This is where Cheryl rudely…
During my week-long sojourn in sickness there was this peek in the week when my temperature had a few too many integers added in. (I loose two points for ending a sentence with a preposition… would it kill me to come up with another throw away noun?) During this time of confusion, lethargy, and yes… pain, you’d think someone would have had the decency to put the poor creature…
We don’t pull any punches on this site baby! We may embellish a few, or just plain make them up, but nothing gets pulled in MY HOUSE! I am of course not talking literally about my physical place of residence… a recent gallop poll of married Americans suggests that the average couple, married 5 years or longer, pulls approximately 154.2 out of an average 155 potential…
I noted two unspectacular events this week. There was nothing extraordinarily special about these two unspectacular events, I just happened to note them. To be honest, they’re the two most recent unspectacular events and I just happened to feel like writing at this moment, so here they are, in order of occurance.
1. Adam was weighed and measured at the doctor’s office. (Have you…
I heard on NPR this morning that a couple of British diplomats were accused of spying on the Russians in Moscow, using equipment hidden in a rock. If this proves to be true, it will signal a change in British government at its highest levels… the outsourcing bug will have struck British Intelligence; Q having lost his job in research and development to The Sharper Image.
Those former Iron…
Friends, Romans, Countrymen… lend me your ears. We’re not in Rome, you say? A curse on you who mock my fit of whimsy!
When last I spoke of my bite of Apple lore, I was smote with glee over nine point oh four.
But you had to know that I wouldn’t be satisfied with half measures, didn’t you? This week I went whole hog and pushed the TAM to its official software limit –…
Beth and I were leaving Tae Kwon Do and I heard the sound of sudden submersion behind me. I looked back and saw Beth up to her shins in water.
(Defensively) “Dad, I stepped in a puddle by accident!”
(Angrily) “Beth, that’s the only puddle in the parking lot and you had to walk about ten feet out of your way to get to it. The only thing accidental about it is you…
I fear for my own wellbeing friends. Today I heard the unthinkable, the unfathomable, the unimaginable. Oprah’s long awaited addition to the famous book club is a book that already resides on my shelf, Elie Wiesel’s Night.
Although I can count the number of Oprah’s shows I’ve seen on one finger, and I couldn’t name another book from the club to save my thumb nail from…
We were making our second slow pass as a family through the drive-up window at our local pharmacy, and I couldn’t help but reflect on the circumstances that brought us to this place.
If this were an interesting story, this is where some nifty hook would be. Alas, it is not an interesting story. All I’ve got for you is two adults and two children in line at a drive-up pharmacy window.