Friends, today was a hurricane day. Those of you familiar with snow know a thing or two about the occasional labor liberation, courtesy of Mother Nature. My employer was in classic form yesterday, closing the office at 3p.m. – after the worst of the weather had passed. At 3 p.m. Monday, the center of Alberto’s circulation (such as it was) had passed our office, which means I got to…
“Can I call you Miss Rachael?”
“No, but you can call me Dr. Rachael if you want.”
“Wait, are you a real doctor?”
“Yes Beth, I’m a real doctor.”
“Did you go to college?”
“Yes Beth, I went to college.”
“Did you go to college AND medical school?”
“Yes Beth, I went to medical school.”
“O.K., you…
This weekend my son reminded me of an ant. It wasn’t because he was a pest or that he was particularly insect like, but because he was often seen carrying around objects of significant size. One moment he was carrying around a dining room chair, the next a folding table, or one of those large Rubbermaid storage containers. There didn’t seem to be any particular reason for all this…
Did anyone catch the Prez on the radio this weekend? Gentlemen, start your hyperbole!
Actually, I think the conservatives may be on to something. Maybe marriage really does need protecting. Think of the scores of men out there that might not have married their current spouses if they had the option of marrying another man. It boggles the mind.
Wait, you mean to tell me you can’t think of…
A long time ago there was a family destined for great things. The father, mother, and younger son held great promise. The older son was a friendly sort, but not quite as sharp as the others. He tried hard but could never quite measure up… until he grew up and a little luck went his way… placing him in a role of great importance: the guardian of his kind.
“Look at those guys over…
The other day I decided to determine the age of this web site. In the grand tradition of Florida’s universities (does the East Florida Seminary in Ocala ring any bells… how about The Florida Institute… or the Florida State College for Women?) I decided to allow the loosest possible connection to obtain the oldest possible date. That date is December 1, 1998. That’s the date…
Dude! I totally forgot to publish this entry! (Here it is, as originally conceived and typed in the A.M. of 5/26)
The news this morning reports that 43 regrets using phrases like “bring it on,” when addressing the insurgents in Iraq (albeit indirectly, via news conference). Apparently the leader of the free world believes he was misinterpreted. I can see how someone might misinterpret…
So you say its Thursday. I guess I’m in no position to argue. Hosting a (likely) viral infection automatically disqualifies me as official timekeeper. Heck, it could be Sunday for all I know. Here’s what I do know, and this is probably the most important thing of all… I’m sitting at home with my feet at the same elevation as my waist. What’s even more important…
You would never read the ending of a book first, because it spoils the rest of the book knowing what happens. Now imagine you just read the first book in a series and there was a teaser chapter at the end for the second book. This book had such a chapter, and it was o.k., so I went ahead and bought the second book. I got about a third of the way through the second book and there was no sign of the…